
Cadratin Software adapts its training programs according to your needs and the selected ERP configuration (modules, extensions, etc.), to systematically work on your real data.

This practical and pragmatic method ensures rapid and efficient handling of the ERP and guarantees users mastery of the ERP, monitoring of their skills and enhancement of their achievements.

Key Features of Cadratin Training

This training is intended for employees, mandated by their management, of companies from the world of graphic industries (printing, reprographics, manufacturing agencies, screen printing, etc.), such as estimators, manufacturing assistants, sales representatives, technical and administrative operators, already having a basic knowledge of management and printing techniques and computer tools (knowledge of the Mac computer environment would be a plus).

Commercial and technical structuring of the company through the installation, operation and use of the ERP Cadratin. Evaluation and adaptation of commercial and technical procedures for the business environment via the solutions made available by the ERP. Support and increase the development of employee skills.
At the end of the training, the trainee will be able to: create, concentrate, share and disseminate all commercial and technical information within the company in order to gain in responsiveness, efficiency and methodology to meet the commercial and technical challenges required by the customer. He will be able to analyze the data collected in the database in order to draw out the positive points and those to modify or optimize. The trainee will have acquired the competence of configuration, operation and use of the ERP.
The duration of the training depends on the configuration (modules and extensions) of the ERP installed in the company, the level of expertise of the trainees, their knowledge of the ERP already acquired and the need expressed. The duration can vary from 1/2 to 8 days. For example, learning the stock management module is planned over 2 days, ie 14 hours.
Cadratin Software establishes, according to the necessary needs expressed/evaluated, a personalized price proposal for the training action. Upon receipt of the validation of the training order by the company, or, if the company has made a request for support from its collecting organization (OPCO for example) and upon receipt of the agreement by the organization, dates are scheduled. It then takes between 3 and 4 weeks to complete. Make your training request from our contact form or call 0033 5 61 00 46 46.

The fixed price is €1,200 (excl. VAT) per day. For on-site training, the trainer’s travel and accommodation costs will be added.
More information, consult the general conditions of sale .

The training will be done exclusively on an Apple computer environment and running under a recent macOS system (see the configuration table ). For on-site training, use of equipment present in the company. Remote training, via computer programs for screen sharing and videoconferencing. The trainer, qualified in the graphic industries, provides the training action by adaptive pedagogies to the public (company services, groups, workstation, people with a disability, etc.) and thus personalizes the action. The course of the training is made by modules according to the different missions of the trainees. Real practice during training by integrating the rates and parameters used. Creation, modification, use and exploitation of the database by values and concrete cases. Adaptation and respect in the ERP of the procedures already in place and of the graphic charter of the company for the edition of the various editable states conveyed in intra/extra. The media are accessible via the software, PDF quick start guide, PDF user manual, access to connected software help, exercises. These resources are updated when the ERP is updated. Other media such as screenshots and videos are accessible directly from the website

With more than 20 years of professional training on ERP Cadratin, Cadratin Software ensures a very high customer satisfaction rate. The training is punctuated by exercises/concrete business cases or by problems encountered by the company or the trainees in order to ensure direct and individual control that each trainee has properly assimilated the practical methods and use of the ERP Cadratin. For his part, the trainee will also evaluate the service obtained, its content, its trainer at the end of the training action, initially orally, then by a so-called “on-the-spot evaluation” form comprising around ten criteria (rhythm, pedagogy, content, etc.).

Extract: 247 trainees, for 5736 hours of training between 2018 and 2020
Survey: on-the-spot evaluation
Satisfaction index: overall score
Year 2018: 93.75%
Year 2019: 75%
Year 2020: 90.56%

The training is accessible to all, whatever their level of work. For people with a disability, the company will make the necessary arrangements for the reception, monitoring and comfort of these employees throughout the training action. The trainer will adapt his program (content, means, methods, etc.) and his schedules accordingly, if necessary. He may also judge the need for specific and individualized training. Our Disability referent, Mr. Pascal Malingue, is present throughout the preparation/session to define with the company the adaptations necessary for their skills development. More information, ask for internal regulations .
Based on a training program, Cadratin Software ensures the constant quality of its services and guarantees the success and effectiveness of its missions. More information, ask for training program .
Need Cadratin training?